
Avangate Acquires 2Checkout to Expand Payment Flexibility and Broaden Market Reach


Combined company will bring a unique combination of eCommerce and subscription management solutions to market through various payment models across the globe.
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Avangate Acquires 2Checkout

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Marty Cagan, Silicon Valley Product Group
Marty Cagan is the founding partner at the Silicon Valley Product Group (SVPG). Marty has been a ...
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Neil Davidson, Red Gate Software
Neil Davidson is joint CEO of Red Gate Software and founder of the Business of Software conference. He's ...
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Are you part of a distribution chain? Do you want to keep your options open and build your partner relationships on a healthy infrastructure? Either ...
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Nico Westerdale, Iconico
Nico Westerdale is the president of Iconico, Inc., a company providing software tools and services for designers and developers including ...
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John Marshall, Market Motive
John Marshall is the CTO and Founder of Market Motive US based company, formerly the CEO and Founder of ...
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Lee Odden, TopRank Online Marketing
Lee Odden is the founder and president of TopRank Online Marketing with proven SEO, blog marketing and ...
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Rand Fishkin, SeoMoz
Rand Fishkin is the "Wizard of Moz", founder and CEO at SeoMoz, a hub for the search marketing industry. He ...
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Mike Culver
At ESWC I have met Mike Culver, one of the Amazon Web Services evangelists. I loved his presentation "Life in a ...
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Avinash Kaushik, Market Motive
Avinash Kaushik is the Analytics Evangelist for Google and a blogger (Occam's Razor blog). He is also the author ...
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Dave Collins, Shareware Promotions
Dave Collins is the founder of SharewarePromotions and is specialised in Google AdWords Management, Search Engine Optimisation, Server Log ...
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Paris Karahalios, Shareware Industry Awards Foundation
Paris Karahalios is one of the first software vendors to sell its products using shareware as a ...
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Andy Brice, Shareware Industry Awards Foundation
Andy Brice is a UK-based software developer with over twenty years of professional experience and the owner ...


Ganz gleich, ob Sie nach Neuigkeiten suchen oder den Rat eines Experten zum Online-Verkauf von Software einholen möchten: Sie sind an der richtigen Stelle. Sie finden Anleitungen in unseren aktuellen Artikeln, Webinaren und Gesprächen mit Führungskräften aus der Softwarebranche. Sie können sich auch die aktuelle Ausgabe des Avangate Digest Newsletter durchlesen und nützliche Tipps zur Unterstützung Ihres Softwaregeschäfts erhalten.